Now that the new decade is here, New Year’s resolutions are starting and they’re never easy. According to a survey done in December of 2019, one of the most popular resolutions for 2020 is healthy eating— something that most DesireList Pros know all about! To lend those on the path to a better diet a helping hand, we compiled a list of our Pro’s favorite products for a healthier life without compromising the good stuff.
First, it’s important to read up on what you’re getting yourself into and what to expect. After her daily meditation sessions, Chef Daniella Malfitano reaches for How to Eat by Thich Nhat Hanh. This book is part of Hanh’s Mindfulness Series that focuses on everything from eating with others and enjoying our food to connecting with the Earth.
When it comes to food substitutions, Daniella loves using the Laird Superfood Coffee Creamer with Turmeric. With only a little bit of a sweet flavor and no additives, this creamer is a good start for coffee addicts that want to make a healthy change.
Certified nutritionist Brittany McElheney recommends the Bragg Natural Liquid Aminos especially for those who don’t usually eat meat but still need their nutrients. This healthy alternative can be added to salads, marinated food, and it makes a delicious soy sauce substitute!
Dessert is the hardest part of making healthy choices but smoothies make the perfect tasty treat without ruining what you’ve accomplished. Chef Charles Webb travels all over the world searching for new recipes and sharing his culinary adventures. He recommends the Amafruits Traditional Mix smoothie packs that are loaded with essential amino acids, electrolytes, vitamins, and nutrients. They’re also certified USDA organic, wild-grown, and sustainably harvested so you know for a fact you’re ending your meal on a great note!
As always, drinking more water comes hand in hand with healthy eating. Getting the recommended eight 8-ounce glasses of water can seem bleak for people who can’t stand the tastelessness but Sorry For Your Loss actress Briana Venskus has just the trick. From her personal favorites, she recommends adding the ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops to your water for a nice light flavor and a good dose of minerals.