James and Will are self-proclaimed adventurists and reality TV enthusiasts who suffer from a chronic case of wanderlust. The two competed and won season 31 of CBS multi-winning show “The Amazing Race”. The two have built a strong community of followers and have been vlogging all over the world.
Will Jardell is a model, actor, and Realiy Television personality from Nederland, Texas. He graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in Biomedical Science and Minor in Art and Architecture History. Will was selected by the casting team to be a contestant on America's Next Top Model Cycle 21.
James Wallington is a reality TV enthusiast who suffers from a chronic case of wanderlust. Due to James' passion for entertainment and media, he moved from Grand Rapids, Michigan to Los Angeles in 2009 and has worked in the entertainment industry ever since. James currently works as a freelance Social Media & Event Coordinator. When he isn't working or watching reality TV, he's usually searching for new adventures. One day James hopes to host a travel show where he can influence change in communities across the globe.