
How-To Perfect Lateral Breathing


In this How-to, Pilates Teacher Laura Konz shows you how to perfect lateral breathing. It requires you to breathe deeply from your skin to your lower belly while also expanding your ribcage. Not only does this help decrease any stress you might be feeling, but it also wakes up your body and helps improve focus. Watch Laura's How-to for more.

Laura is a 3rd Generation certified Pilates Teacher and Certified Health Coach with a focus on helping her clients create nutritious lifestyles to #getwhatfeelsgood! Laura loves working with her clients to break apart the movements helping them to find the work deep in their muscles while transforming their bodies and posture as they progress. She is best known for teaching sold-out classes in Beverly Hills where students say she lulls them into a false sense of security with her meditative voice coaxing them through challenging workouts that sounded seemingly easy at the start.

Check out Lauren Konz's Profile to learn more.

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