
Package of 10 Seeds, Atlantic Giant Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) Non-GMO Seeds by Seed Needs


Product Details

Quality Atlantic Giant Pumpkin seeds packaged by Seed Needs. Each Package displays a colorful illustration on the front side, as well as detailed sowing instructions on the reverse side.. Atlantic Giant will produce pumpkins of massive proportions. These fruits will grow to a weight of 200 to 300 pounds easy.. Atlantic Giant is ready for harvesting in roughly 125 days after transplanting.. Pumpkin plants will vine outwards and require plenty of room to grow. The plants grow from seeds, reaching 1 to 2 feet tall and will produce their fruits in the early Autumn season.. All Pumpkin seeds sold by Seed Needs are Non-GMO based seed products and are intended for the current & the following growing season. All seeds are produced from open pollinated plants, stored in a temperature controlled facility and constantly moved out due to popularity.