How to use:
Day: Use an eye blender brush to apply the Prime shade to the entire eyelid with a backward and forward motion. Then, use an eye smudger brush to apply Prime to the inner corners of your eyes to open them up. Next, nestle the Enhance shade in the outer corner of your eye using an eye smudger brush and blend. Then, apply the same shade along the upper and lower lashline.
Evening: Repeat the Day look. Then, use an eye smudger brush to blend the Smoke shade from the outer corner of the eye upward. Next, use an eye smudger brush to apply the same shade along the upper lashline and into the socket in a half-moon shape. Finally, run it along the lower lashline.
Night: Repeat the Day and Evening looks. Then, with your ring finger, apply the Pop shade to the center of your eyelid for amped-up glamour.