Frogtape Multi-Surface Painting Tape


Product Details

FrogTape is the only tape treated with PaintBlock Technology that seals the edges of the tape, preventing paint bleed. When latex paint comes into contact with the edges of FrogTape, the patented PaintBlock Technology creates a super-absorbent micro-barrier that seals the edges of the tape. This barrier prevents paint bleed, leaving you with crisp clean lines! FrogTape Multi-Surface Painting Tape has a medium adhesion that will remove cleanly from most surfaces for up to 21 days and seven days in direct sunlight. It is best for use on cured painted walls, wood trim, glass and metal and comes in a resealable container to keep tape clean and undamaged for future use. This tape comes in the color green in a 45 yard roll with a 0.94-Inch width. Please check out for project ideas and answers to FAQs for how to use FrogTape Multi-Surface Painting Tape.

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