Epsoak Pure Epsom Salt


Product Details

Epsom Salt is a pure mineral compound made out of magnesium sulfate in crystal form that easily dissolves in water to help soothe muscle pain and aches, cleanse pores, and detoxify skin. The salts are naturally translucent and the perfect grain size for easily dissolving in water. Soaking in an Epsom Salt bath is one of the best and most effective ways of taking magnesium. It’s made out of naturally translucent/white salt in medium grain (0.2-3mm). 

The 2 key ingredients of Epsom salts are Magnesium and Sulfates. Magnesium eases stress and improves sleep and concentration. It’s also known to reduce inflammation, relieve muscle pain, and allow nerves to function properly. Sulfates help you flush out toxins and improve the way your body takes in nutrients. They provide important protein for your joints and help prevent or ease migraine headaches. You can use Epsoak Epsom Salt for a bath, a foot soak, and even in the shower mixed into your shower gel. 


  • Epsoak Epsom Salts are the perfect grain size to easily dissolve in water. 
  • These salts are super versatile and can be used in more than just your bath. They’re even natural enough to use as plant food.  
  • Epsoak Epsom Salts utilizes the power of magnesium and sulfates to ease stress, flush toxins, and improve the way your body absorbs proteins and nutrients. 


  • While Epsom salts have many benefits, they aren’t for anyone. It can cause skin irritations, allergic reactions, and other side effects so checking in with your doctor is recommended before adding Epsom salts to your wellness routine.

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