E. B. Stone Tomato & Vegetable Food is formulated from quality natural organic ingredients for use throughout the vegetable garden as well as with soft fruits like strawberries. It will contribute to even plant growth without producing excessive foliage at the expense of fruit. The additional phosphorous helps to ensure the production of high-quality fruits and vegetables. The calcium (3%) in our Tomato & Vegetable fertilizer aids in preventing disorders like blossom end rot and helps to correct acidic soil conditions.
- Derived from: Blood Meal, Feather Meal, Bone Meal, Dried Chicken Manure, Bat Guano, Alfalfa Meal, Kelp Meal and Potassium Sulfate
- Application Rates:
- New Vegetable Plantings -- Prior to planting seeds or vegetables, use 2 lb (6 cups) for every 50 square ft of garden area. Mix thoroughly into the top 6-8" of soil.
- Established Vegetable Gardens -- Feed established plants every 4-6 weeks as needed through the growing season. Use 1 lb (3 cups) for every 50 square ft. For individual plants use 1 Tbs. Lightly mix into the soil surface and water thoroughly.
- Large Plants (Tomatoes, Corn, etc.) -- Feed every 30 days as needed through the growing season until fruit begins to set. Use 2-4 Tbs per plant depending on size, applied to an area 12-16" wide around the main stem. Mix lightly with soil and water thoroughly.
- Container Grown Vegetables -- Apply 1 Tbs for every 6" of pot diameter every 30 days or as needed through the growing season. Spread evenly over the soil surface, mix lightly into it, and water.
- Contains beneficial soil microbes