
How-To Do a Jab Punch


In this martial arts how-to video, learn how to do a jab from martial arts instructor and action director, Mike Chat. As a professional stunt performer, Mike describes the jab as one of his favorite techniques in boxing. Check your distance and close the gap with the jab technique, while keeping your hands closed or open. In any combative situation, be sure to put off the ground and rotate your shoulder. Watch this online video to effectively learn the jab for your training.

Michael Chaturantabut or Mike Chat is a Thai/Thai Chinese-American actor and stuntman, best known for his role as Chad Lee, the Blue Ranger in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue. He was born in Rayong Province, Thailand, and is the owner of XMA (Extreme Martial Arts). Chat represents a new wave of Kung Fu, with over 14 years of experience, combining Okinawan Shorei-Ryu as a 4th degree black belt, Tae Kwon Do, Chinese Wushu, Kickboxing, yoga, ballet, dance, and acrobatics. Mike was inducted in the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame in 1992 and has captured over 50 National and International Forms and Weapons Championships.

Check out Mike Chat's profile to learn more about the stunt professional.

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